Middle Schools

Bonnie Alexander, SD61 Pathways & Partnerships- Career Education Coordinator

As the SD61 Career Education Coordinator for middle schools, Bonnie am passionate about sharing the impact that career education can have on the lives of young people. A strong career education focus in middle school can change students’ attitudes to education, influence their future plans and subject choices, and motivate them to study harder. Exposing students to a diverse range of people who do different jobs broadens aspirations because children can’t be what they can’t see.

The SD61 Pathways & Partnerships team is committed to offering students engaging opportunities to explore the world of work, from sponsoring the PowerPlay Young Entrepreneur program to developing Career Explorer Workbooks that meet the BC Education curriculum. The future work world needs empathetic, innovative, and collaborative thinkers. Putting Maker Centres and Glowforges in middle schools ensures that teachers have the tools they need to offer extraordinary experiences that promote creative problem-solving skills.